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DDE Middle School
Library Media Center
The mission of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School Library Program is to collaborate with all staff and students to encourage a lifelong love of reading, build information literacy skills, and nurture research and inquiry while sparking creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking.
235 Grove Ave.
West Berlin, NJ 08091
(856) 767-9480 Ext. 1266

Spring Break Day 2: Walt Disney World
Take a virtual tour of the Walt Disney World Orlando resort. (And if you're into Minecraft, you might enjoy this video walkthrough of Minecraft Magic Kingdom!)
Explore rides like Pirates of the Caribbean,
Expedition Everest, Splash Mountain,
Rise of the Resistance, and Living With
The Land. Then design your own
paper roller coaster!

Check out the Disney Infinity Play Lab on, and create a game with Disney characters like Anna, Elsa, Hiro, Baymax, and Rapunzel.

Special thanks to the Future Ready Librarians professional learning community and Gretchen Hazlin of the Kilmer Middle School Library in Vienna, VA.
Read a book set in/about Walt Disney World! Click here to get usernames and passwords for access, and try the following titles:
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