DDE Middle School
Library Media Center
The mission of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School Library Program is to collaborate with all staff and students to encourage a lifelong love of reading, build information literacy skills, and nurture research and inquiry while sparking creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking.
235 Grove Ave.
West Berlin, NJ 08091
(856) 767-9480 Ext. 1266

Founding Fathers Resources
Book Sources
Destiny Online Catalog
Online Databases
Discovery Education*
Funk & Wagnall's New World Encyclopedia
Revolutionary War and Beyond
George Read | Caesar Rodney | Thomas McKean |
George Clymer | Benjamin Franklin | Robert Morris | John Morton | Benjamin Rush | George Ross | James Smith | James Wilson |George Taylor |
John Adams | Samuel Adams | John Hancock | Robert Treat Paine | Elbridge Gerry
New Hampshire:
Josiah Bartlett | William Whipple | Matthew Thornton |
Rhode Island:
Stephen Hopkins | William Ellery |
New York:
Lewis Morris | Philip Livingston | Francis Lewis | William Floyd | Button Gwinnett | Lyman Hall | George Walton |
Button Gwinnett | Lyman Hall | George Walton |
Richard Henry Lee | Francis Lightfoot Lee | Carter Braxton | Benjamin Harrison | Thomas Jefferson | George Wythe | Thomas Nelson, Jr. |
North Carolina:
William Hooper | John Penn | Joseph Hewes
South Carolina:
Edward Rutledge | Arthur Middleton | Thomas Lynch, Jr. | Thomas Heyward, Jr. |
New Jersey:
Abraham Clark | John Hart | Francis Hopkinson | Richard Stockton | John Witherspoon |
Samuel Huntington | Roger Sherman | William Williams | Oliver Wolcott |
Charles Carroll | Samuel Chase | Thomas Stone | William Paca |